Sunday, January 27, 2008
Blogging! Looking for feedback.
Current mood: inquisitive
When I checked one last time, the dog was waiting to come in. Finally. So I didn't have to leave her out there all night. And, get this: Babyman slept in the cosleeper all night! So even though I was waking to nurse as usual, at least when I went back to sleep I could stretch out in whatever way was comfortable. THAT was nice. Thank you, Babyman!
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I was thinking today about blogs, and blogging. Sometimes I think I'd like to get more serious about my blog, and actually promote it. Write for a general audience, rather than for all my wonderful readers who know me and are actually somewhat interested in the ins and outs of my daily life (bless you all!). But I'm so all over the place in this blog- I'm not sure what would actually be interesting to a more general reader. You can see that this blog is currently titled Kitmama's Pensieve, because I think it's very much like JK Rowling's concept of a "pensieve" in her Harry Potter books. I can pour my random thoughts out of my overstuffed head, and stir them around a bit to see if anything useful is revealed. (I'd probably have to choose a new name if I wanted to promote the blog at all). I can track visits to this blog, and learn things such as what words people typed into search engines that led to my blog, or what links in my blog they decided to click on. That information seems to tell me that my most popular postings are those related to cloth diapers and baby products. (My Cloth Diaper Primer is most popular by far). Perhaps I could be of service concentrating on those topics?
Any ideas, comments? What in this blog bores you? What keeps you coming back? Anything you wish I'd write more about?
As always, THANK YOU readers! This blog (on it's other server) has nearly 5,000 hits by now. If it weren't for you all, I probably wouldn't be writing anything. At least you keep me typing something, and possibly moving onward to bigger and better writing. Thank you!!!
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Today's thumbs-up is for hot tea. I like mine with honey and lemon, or simply unadulterated. It's good for the soul. A zen moment. Whatever suits your fancy, go and brew yourself a cuppa. Do it for me! Enjoy.
State Of The Union/Siblings-SiriusXM This Week
21 hours ago
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