Sunday, June 24, 2007

toddler party animals

Sunday, June 24, 2007

toddler party animals
Current mood: uncomfortable

So much for schedules! LOL. Littleman and Sweetcheeks were party animals last night at my friend's house- my friend watched them (along with her son, who's 2) while Billy and I went out. My poor friend did try to get everyone to go to bed a few times, but she was outnumbered. So everyone had a night of movies, cuddling and late night cereal with milk. They were still up at 1:00 in the morning when I put them in the car to go home. Wow! But they had a good time, and I had a relaxing evening without them. My poor friend probably needs a nice break today to recover! :)

Littleman has been exhibiting his lack of sleep all day today, but I really needed to go to the grocery store, so they didn't get an early nap. In fact, they took SOOO long to clean up and get ready (it was like pulling teeth! Argh!) that we were running late all afternoon instead. Lunch dragged on and on, and finally they went down for a nap at nearly 5. It's nearly 8, and they're still asleep! I might have to wake them soon. Maybe I'll let them watch a movie- with that, and dinner, and maybe a bath, they should be ready for bed at a sort of reasonable time. Hopefully tomorrow they will feel rested.

Aha! I hear Littleman going into the bathroom. I'd better get dinner going.

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