| random thoughts Current mood: silly Hunted and found three letterboxes today! It was fun. Simon got to go "HIKING. SUNDAY." and I got to add some stamps to my collection. I have some ideas for more planted boxes, I just have to carve stamps and get the books and boxes ready. In all my free time. But it's a good hobby, and I really enjoy it, and it gets us outdoors in cool places getting some exercise. So I should find the time to do it more. (for curious noxers [non-boxers]: www.letterboxing.org )
"Ornaments stay ON the tree" is now such an oft-repeated phrase in my house, it's right up there with "Be careful", "Be nice to the kitty", "No", "Get Down", "We don't throw our food", "That's eww-y" and "Don't stick things into the holes in the computer!"
We went walking in our neighborhood last night looking at Christmas lights. It was nice! There are only a few houses that have gone all out, but many with at least a little holiday lighting to brighten things up. It was so pleasant to stroll around as a family, all bundled up and admire the lights. Such moments are rare enough for us, which makes us appreciate them all the more I think. Simon especially liked a huge, lit inflatable snow-globe that was snowing inside, a house with little lit Christmas soldiers lined up, a house with santa in his sleigh landing on a runway on the roof, and the inflatable bear that would slowly pop out of a present, then slowly sink back into it.
We watched "Kingdom of Heaven" the other night. It's a Ridley Scott film, starring Orlando Bloom, set in the time of the Crusades. The filming was beautiful, the acting was good and it was based on real-life people and events. Unfortunately the editing was disjointed and I think the writing was a bit poor. Those weak points were rather fatal, I'm afraid. Oh, well.
OK, enough random thoughts- my eyes are drooping. Time to get ready for bed. (Early for me!) |
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