Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sorry kid, the potty's all done

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Sorry kid, the potty's all done
Current mood: tired

The campground has facilities with running water, sinks and toilets (but no showers). Littleman was too busy most of the time to go potty (we went through a lot more diapers than he's been using at home) and we were slack (I admit) on pushing the issue. But he did go potty several times.

At one point he told me he needed to poop, so off we went. The toilets there have sensors that "know" when you've gotten up, and they then flush themselves. Sometimes they seem to flush randomly because they sense other movement. Littleman has never encountered this phenomenom before. We were in the stall, removing his shorts and diaper. This takes a little while, and the toilet apparently thought we'd gone so it flushed. Littleman was really startled, and said with real alarm: "But I want to go POOPY!!"

I had to reassure him that it was OK, he could still poop and we would just flush the potty again at the end. LOL!

* * * * *

I have more ideas on stuff I want to write for you, and some word crafting I'd like to do. But I am SOOOOO tired so this is it for now. I'm going to bed.

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