Happy Valentine's Day!
Color me a sentimental chump, but I like Valentine's Day. I like hearts, and flowers, kisses and chocolate. I even liked it when I had no boyfriend- it was fun to give carnations or valentines to my friends. And while I know that Billy loves me deeply, sometimes he needs an external push to make him show me a little appreciation. Valentine's Day is one such nudge.
Last night we went to a movie (in a real, live movie theater!!) and dinner out. My beloved MIL watched all three boys. It was wonderful. (Incidentally, Slumdog Millionaire is an AMAZING movie. See it if you get the chance.) I got dressed up and felt pretty, which is a nice boost for my self esteem. :) And we had adult conversation, held hands and spent some time very simply enjoying each other's company. Wow. My cup runneth over!! (Actually, I mean that.)
You may have noticed the new music player at the top of the page, on the right. It's a song Billy wrote for me one Valentine's Day. Give it a listen, in honor of today. (And please let me know if it doesn't work- I'm new at those things.)
Also, check out this awesome little project a friend has begun:
I Love You Cards
Spread a little random enchantment!
And, to my readers: I love you. Thank you for visiting my blog!! You bring me a lot of joy.
Re-David Johansen
16 hours ago
I didn't see this post at the time because I was away doing housing co-op business, and my honey was also away on a retreat, so we spent Valentines day apart! We tried to pretend that it didn't matter, but... Had I seen this then it would have made me smile... what am I talking about, I am smiling right now :D I hope you had a lovely day, and now i am off to check out the links you posted and the song too. Ta ta!
I'm glad I made you smile. :) Billy and I often miss celebrating Valentine's Day, usually because of his work schedule, but sometimes because of the kids or whatever. We always make it up on a different day- the specific date doesn't make much difference to me.
Housing co-op? What is that?
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