Friday, October 28, 2005

Well, here we go. . .

Friday, October 28, 2005

Well, here we go. . .
Current mood: hopeful

OK, So I've toyed with the idea of starting a blog, and perhaps this is as good a place as any to do so. I have not been writing anything for ages, and I would like to get back in the habit. It's often a good intention that ends up unfulfilled (especially now that I have the boys keeping me busy!) but I think it's an important habit for me to cultivate. So, here we go! We'll see if this works better.

Blogs are an interesting phenomena- it's basically a private journal, but in a public forum- and I have to admit that the possibility that others will read my rantings does add a different dimension to the habit of journalling. I hope that, just as a walking buddy makes it more likely that I'll find the time to go walking, perhaps a theoretical audience for my journal will make it more likely I will find time to write.

About whatever- I hope also that as I get back into the habit, once again I will find my thoughts ranging farther than the day-to-day necessities that are my current sole mental fare. It's so tough just keeping up with all the practical things I must remember, let alone having brain space left for musing on more interesting subjects. But sometimes the habit of writing starts to unlock extra brain space- I start to feel like I opened a window inside my head. It's a liberating feeling, tapping into the muse. And sometimes, it actually makes me feel more relaxed and competent in other parts of my life too.

So, despite the fact that a small part of me says I am wasting time here, when there is SO much I need to do- the wiser part of me knows that perhaps a blog is EXACTLY what I need to be doing.

There. I feel better already! :)
Now I have to pick up toys and do some laundry.

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